
Orthodontics is a branch of dentistry dealing with irregularities of the teeth and their correction. In a period of transitional dentition, a desired effect is acchieved using early interceptive orthodontic treatment, and during the period of permanent dentition using braces.

The goal of orthodontics therapy is to achieve a correct bite which will enable an optimal function of chewing and force redistribution so all the teeth are equaly used. Also, by achieving the correct position of the teeth we are making the process of oral hygine as easy as possible, reducing the risk of cavities and periodontistic desseases.


Braces are made out of rings that are placed on the first permanent molars. They have brackets that are placed on every tooth individually and the archwire that goes trough the central slot of the brackets.

Archwires in the central slot of the brackets can be held by the wired or rubber coloured ligatures. There is also a classification into aesthetic and metal brackets. Brackets are placed on teeth exclusively by the orthodontic specialist and the patient can not remove them. Check ups are done every 4-6 weeks. Which brackets will be placed depends on a case-by-case, the wish of the patient and of course the price.

Early interceptive orthodontic treatment

Early interceptive orthodontic treatment is intended for the youngest patients who are still growing and developing. This kind of treatment is made for only one of the jaws (active panels) or for both jaws (activator, bionator). Patients put the appliance in and take them out of the mouth by themselves. It should be noted that when wearing it, cooperation and the desire of the child to wear the appliance is extremely important for success of the therapy. The appliance is worn for minimum of 14 hours a day. It has a screw which is rotated in consultation with an orthodontist every 7 to 10 days. This kind of treatment can not properly and fully correct heavily rotated or tilted teeth, neither the teeth that have grown on the wrong place. For such cases the fixed orthodontic appliances should be used.

On the first visit to the dentist, you need to do a 2D panoramic x-ray of all teeth, a lateral cephalogram and then the dentist takes dental impressions. The procedure is short, extremely simple and painless. Based on these 3 parameters, orthodontic specialist will do analysis, and in only a few days appropriate orthodontic appliance will be made.