Oral surgery
Oral surgery refers to any medical procedure performed in the mouth with specific regard to
the teeth, jaw and/or gums. Some of the most common surgeries include:
teeth extractions,
impacted wisdom teeth, root canals, root – end resection (apicoectomy), ridge leveling and
hard and soft tissue augmentation.
The Oral surgery services provided by our clinic are::
Dental implant surgery
More information about dental implants can be found HERE
Sinus lift
More information about sinus lift can be found here. HERE
Teeth extraction
Contemporary dentistry is based on teeth loss prevention. It is crucial that all the measures for saving the tooth are taken before it’s extracted. However, in some cases extraction of the tooth is necessary. It is an oral-surgical procedure which separates and pulls out the tooth from the socket or dental alveolus. It is performed with the application of local anesthesia and it is completely painless. During one session you can pull out one or more teeth. It’s very individual and it depends on the severity of the case, as well as on the patient’s level of cooperation. Following the extraction of the tooth, an open wound that gradually heals remains in the mouth. The healing process has a few phases, and it is very important for the patient to be informed about what he or she can expect. We are an edentulous nation due to many reasons that include our fear of visiting the Dentist and a general disregard for our personal oral health.
According to the latest research, only 8.5% of the adult population in Serbia still have their original teeth. On average, each individual is missing at least ten teeth and up to 12% of individuals have total dentures.
Impacted teeth removal
Wisdom teeth removal is one of the most common surgical procedures in oral surgery. Wisdom teeth develop between the ages of 17 and 24. Provided there is enough room in the jaw, wisdom teeth grow normally and don’t cause any problems. But, if there is not enough room in the jaw, they can emerge only partially or in the wrong angle, which results in pain and irritation. When the tooth emerges through the gums, it can cause inflammation of the surrounding tissue. The gums can become swollen and painful. Fragments of food and bacteria can get stuck around the wisdom tooth and cause inflammation, pain, swelling and infections. These teeth need extraction. A good oral surgeon can determine the optimal solution for you, based on the anatomical shape and the position of the tooth itself. Not every wisdom tooth makes a clinical problem, but each one has the potential to do so. Therefore, not every wisdom tooth is meant to be surgically extracted. Occasionally, these teeth can put pressure on other teeth and make them move, which is the most common indication that your wisdom teeth require removal.
An apicoectomy is a surgical procedure during which the infected tissue of the tooths root – end and surrounding infected tissue is removed (cists, granulomas,). It is required on the patients where a pathological process on their tooth couldn’t be fixed with a root canal procedure. It’s painless and performed under local anesthesia. Prior to the procedure, it is important to treat the tooth with an endodontic procedure. During the procedure, the damaged or infected pulp is removed. After carefully cleaning and shaping the inside of the tooth, this space is filled and sealed with a couple of stitches. Apicoectomy is a small surgical procedure which prevents tooth extraction.
Open sinus surgery
Due to the anatomical characteristics of the upper jaw and its close attachment to the roots of the upper lateral teeth, maxillary sinus is extremely important in dentistry. It also occurs following the extraction of the upper lateral teeth, most frequently after the extraction of the first molar. This causes a pathological communication between the oral cavity and maxillary sinus to develop, the so called oro-antral communication. In such cases, it’s best that the sinus is surgically closed, with a procedure called “sinuplasty “. Being a simple surgery, it’s performed using the local anesthetic.
Ridge leveling
Ridge leveling is a procedure that corrects irregularities of the ridge in the upper and lower jaw in order to create comfortable and good quality dental prosthetics. By this minimally invasive surgical procedure, using special instruments, the level of the bone is corrected in a way that allows the dental prosthetic not to irritate it or cause pain
Soft tissue surgeries (frenectomies)
Oral frenula refer to small folds of tissue in the oral cavity including the one under the tongue (frenulum linguae) and the upper and lower lip ones. Their function is to restrict excessive movement. They are a completely normal phenomenon that every human being has. In some cases, they can be more pronounced, which can have certain consequences. You have most likely met a person that has a noticeable gap in between the upper incisors or has minor issues with their speech. One of the reasons for this could be pronounced frenula. And while these can sometimes be cute (especially in children), they need to be taken seriously. Although a pronounced frenulum does not necessarily lead to serious consequences, it can still have an unwanted effect from an aesthetic and functional aspect.
Sometimes, their connection can be very close to the ridge which can cause certain difficulties, aesthetic and functional. Most often, a labial frenulum positioned in between central incisors causes diastema or a gap between the teeth. Beside the aesthetical consequences, this phenomenon can also cause gum recession and at the final stage it can lead to periodontitis.
How is a frenectomy done?
Frenectomy refers to the surgical intervention of removing the frenulum. There are two methods for frenectomy: surgical and laser frenectomy. The surgical method is done with a scalpel and requires stiches. That’s why it is much more invasive than the laser method, but nevertheless, it is still common. The stiches are removed after a week. During that week, the patient can feel discomfort due to the tension of the stitches. Due to discomfort, patients often avoid teeth brushing, which can result in additional plaque accumulation, slowing down the healing process. These are the flaws of a standard surgical frenectomy method. However, with the increasing usage of dental lasers, these problems and flaws are eliminated. Laser frenectomy is a safe method for removing frenulum and we promote this method when choosing a method for a frenectomy. Healing of the wound is eased by the fact that there are no stiches. The intervention itself is done with local anesthesia, so it’s completely painless for patients. Laser provides precise cutting with an instantaneous hemostasis (coagulation) which is why bleeding is minimal. Also, it decreases the possibility of fibrous tissue formation after healing. Considering that the laser stimulates the healing process, in the phase following the procedure, the tissue can be stimulated by laser until it heals completely.